30-Day AI Language Challenge: Is she fluent?

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When I first heard about AI for language learning, I was quite skeptical. AI gets so many things wrong! But my friend Mie took on the challenge to study Brazilian Portuguese for 30 days with ONLY AI. She used Langua, a unique platform specifically designed for language learners. I’ll have to admit, I was impressed. Check out her whole experience right here.

Get 20% off a year of Langua. Simply go to and use my code: OLLY20

Get my FREE PDF with tips for how to learn a language with AI (inside the Bonus section of my FREE StoryLearning Kit) 👉🏼

How John Cena Learned Mandarin Chinese 👉🏼


Learn a language the natural, effective way with one of my story-based courses. 👉🏼

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0:00 Can you learn a language in 30 days with AI?
0:37 Mie’s Story
1:09 The Rules
2:23 The Plan
4:12 Week 1
6:08 Week 2
10:34 Week 3
15:56 Week 4
18:04 Final Evaluation
20:29 The Verdict
22:34 Learn with Langua

Jean Antoine

  • @storylearning says:

    Get 20% off a year of Langua. Simply go to https://youtu.be/LTdVRZqO8II and use my code: OLLY20

    Get my FREE PDF with tips for how to learn a language with AI (inside the Bonus section of my FREE StoryLearning Kit) 👉🏼 https://bit.ly/freeSLkit_AI-language-tips

  • @phoenix-xu9xj says:

    Well, she’s not really a beginner is she? If she’s living there, she’s already familiar with pronunciation. So no good for a beginner.

  • @IWillSpeakPortguese says:

    List of My Langauges list

    Bhojpuri[Mother Tongue]
    Hindi[2nd Language]
    English[3rd Language for now]
    Portugese[ Just a Beginner but 4th Language]

    Almost Fluent in first 2 Languages, I can Understand or Speak english to Conversational Level

  • @Satyasam108 says:

    I wish they had modern Standart Arabic on Langua

  • @apaul9776 says:

    This is good, but Mie was clearly already pretty good at Portuguese and also talented at language learning. You need to do the same thing with someone much less advanced. Please could you do this next time?

    • @PedroMachadoPT says:

      Her Portuguese in the beginning was pretty insufferable.

    • @apaul9776 says:

      @@PedroMachadoPT Thanks, that’s interesting. The point, though, was that she already had a very large background knowledge of the language and was very quick to improve. Many other language learners aren’t like this. That’s why another, perhaps more representative, video is needed.

    • @PedroMachadoPT says:

      This video is a paid advertisement.

  • @favOriTe-v6e says:

    the future looks grim for language tutors

  • @Resolute900 says:

    …and where do all the language teachers go after AI ?

    • @alb91878 says:

      I’m sure that it’s going to affect teachers I just don’t know by how much.
      Axial native speakers and teachers are still going to be needed.
      I have no interest in ai, and even if I did there’s no guarantee that what it’s teaching me is correct.
      I would much rather have an actual person to speak to that way if I’m struggling they notice step in and help me out or they’ll know what it is and I’m struggling with versus some robot that just knows I got something wrong and that’s it.
      Hey I will never be able to fully replace actual teachers.

  • @korkatron says:

    I’ve always been interested in languages, and I recently came across this channel. I just want to say it’s rather awesome.


    I’m glad I found this video. I was impressed with the Langua AI app and ended up paying for a year, using your code. This is exactly what I’ve needed for a long time. I have several languages that I’ve studied off and on throughout my life, but where I’ve just been stuck at B1-B2 for literally decades. I don’t have the opportunity or time to go out and find native speakers of multiple languages or book tutors. This is perfect for me.

  • @AlexHernandez-u5i says:

    Olly, my name is Alex, I’m learning Russian this year. Why? I want to listen to Russian news on YouTube with no subtitles and understand at least 90% of what is said. I also want to read Russian literature in Russian. I’m at a point with Russian Cyrillic that I can read simple sentences and recognize familiar words. Which is basically what I should be able to do at this point that I’ve been studying 7 months. But I think I’m progressing way too slowly, even with an hour or two a day of studying. 15 minutes in a day might work for easier languages such as French or Spanish, but Russian is a different game. Because if I did 15 minutes of Russian a day I’d be old enough to be a grandpa by the time I’m fluent.

    • @yaMuslima says:

      As a Russian native speaker, i would recommend either marrying Russian or watch Russian channels like cooking, podcasts, or sports whatever your interests are, you will find videos on any topics.

  • @ivanjunior9672 says:

    I’m not sure if anyone noticed, but the AI used a voice with a Curitiban accent. I’m wondering if it would change if the question was for a Carioca from Rio de Janeiro.

  • @cahorowit says:

    No Hebrew 😢

  • @PedroMachadoPT says:

    It’s a bit ridiculous to always say “Brazilian Portuguese” as if it were some language instead of a national variant of Portuguese. It’s the same language. No one says he went to America to learn American English, does he?

    • @seralyncampbell4731 says:

      People do say that actually, but your point is still valid and makes sense

    • @PedroMachadoPT says:

      I changed “doesn’t he” to “does he” but I don’t feel it as correct yet.

    • @PedroMachadoPT says:

      A lot of people are saying it, that’s why I had the trouble to comment on it.

    • @mynameisantoni0 says:

      Why does it bother you that they’re differentiating between the two? European and brazilian portuguese aren’t exactly the same.

    • @paulwalther5237 says:

      I think they offer Brazilian Portuguese just like they offer Latin American Spanish as opposed to European Spanish.

      As for English I don’t think sometimes people specify which variant they’re learning but they often don’t either.

  • @jill.learns.japanese says:

    This looks great ! When will Japanese be available on Langua? It’s not there yet, I just tried signing up

  • @PedroMachadoPT says:

    “Moradia” doesn’t mean “housing”. What AI tells us must always be double checked.

  • @PedroMachadoPT says:

    No, she didn’t use “tiver” correctly. That’s why studying grammar is useful. Also, I’d learn simpler tenses before that one — the future subjunctive. Learn imperative, present and preterite perfect (it’s the simple past) first. Then the preterite imperfect. Then the future subjunctive. Learn the third person singular first. Then first singular. Then third plural. Then second singular.

  • @timothybruggeman9332 says:

    Can this app adapt to my level if I am more than just “a beginner?” I’ve been studying Portuguese for almost 4 years and sometimes I feel sort of fluent, but sometimes I feel lost in conversations or when watching a movie in Portuguese without subtitles (when I DO resort to subtitles I try to use Portuguese subtitles.) I have been using both Duolingo (NOT the Duolingo that has their own AI) and a private tutor. I would estimate that I am CEFR level B1-ish. Contemplating trying this app.

  • @paulwalther5237 says:

    I’ve tried AI and it seems ok until it can’t understand me and then I have to stop. I was using it for Korean. Maybe it’s better for other languages. I know my pronunciation isn’t perfect and it’s likely a native speaker would be understood better at least but I don’t have issues with real native speakers. They always understand me.

  • @Cordoba82 says:

    I can’t believe it! I just cannot believe it! Olly Richards, you show a picture of you with one of Brazil greatest treasures and don’t even mention it? 😁Now really, how did you get to meet Milton?

  • @cappybenton says:

    Lingua looks really good. Thanks

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