If you are afraid of making mistakes in English WATCH THIS

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In this lesson, we delve into the psychology and practical aspects of speaking English as a second language. Addressing the common fears associated with making mistakes, the lesson draws on scholarly research to offer effective strategies for overcoming this anxiety. We explore the underlying causes of the fear of speaking English, citing studies by Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope (1986) that touch upon "foreign language anxiety." Furthermore, we discuss motivational strategies grounded in research by Dörnyei (2001) to encourage language learners. We also tackle methods for overcoming the fear of making mistakes, citing work by MacIntyre & Gardner (1991), and offer specific advice for those who share the same native language as the person they are communicating with in English, backed by findings from Piller (2002). This comprehensive lesson aims to empower learners, alleviate their fears, and provide a roadmap for confident and effective communication in English.

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And don't forget to check out our website for the writeup and podcast of all of our lessons:

#advancedenglish #explearning #marydaphne #communication #englishcommunication #confidentenglish #socialfluency #explearningacademy

Jean Antoine

  • Advanced English For Professionals says:

    Sign up for my group coaching 🎤 https://academy.explearning.co/plans/307525

    • BrandonLG says:

      Ms.Daphne, (some) linguists say this: “we can’t use the words “forget something + location”. But I heard some native speakers say: “oh, I forgot my wallet at home, in my car, etc.” So, can we say: “I forgot my phone at home” and still sound natural. Thank you very much…

  • Kiran Chowdary🔥 says:

    Very nice😗😗😗😗😗

  • Flávio Micheletti says:

    So good!

  • 223Man says:

    Tu es sublime . Pure beauté 😢.who Cares about english

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